Bad Blood (46)

Joe instantly let go of the punch bag and for a split second glared directly into my eyes. Then, inexplicably, without further confrontation, he turned away from me and hung his head low as if in defeat. He walked slowly to the line of lockers that dominated the back wall of the gym and silently opened the one in which his kit was stowed. He started to take out his clothes, not once looking back and I felt like a traitor. Of all his possible reactions, I had least expected this.

It had not gone as planned, I had blown it completely and destroyed our friendship in the process. Not to mention ruining any chance I might have had with Sarah in the future.

Christ I was a fool; I knew how much Sarah meant to him, so what on earth was I thinking?

Looking at Joe’s back as he got dressed, I felt terrible, as if I had betrayed his trust. Why couldn’t he have just punched me and forgotten that I had ever asked?

I walked up behind him, but not too close, just in case he started swinging. “I’m sorry Joe,” I said pathetically, “I love Sarah, but I know what she means to you, If you don’t want me to see her then that’s…” Suddenly I noticed Joe’s shoulder’s shaking. I walked around to the side of him so I could see his face, which he was trying to bury in his locker but it did not work, I could still see it.

He was laughing. Not just chuckling, but very nearly guffawing. “Christ, Sean,” he said, with tears rolling down his face “It’s taken you since Christmas Eve to finally ask me – Sarah and me thought you’d never get around to it!”

Suddenly the reality of the situation finally dawned on me – he already knew.
“You bastard!” I exclaimed, “How long have you known?”

Trying to get himself under control, but not really succeeding, he laughed, “I’ve known for ages – it’s been bloody obvious!”

Now starting to feel very stupid indeed, I asked, “Did Sarah know?”

“Don’t worry, Sean, Sarah didn’t have a clue, not until Christmas Eve. I didn’t even know she felt the same way until about an hour before your birthday party.”

“You mean, she told you!” I was appalled.

“Of course she told me. We’re twins, we tell each other everything – you should know that!”

“And you don’t mind?” I asked incredulously.

“Of course I don’t mind. My best friend going out with my sister, I couldn’t be happier. If I can’t trust you, then who can I trust? – I know you’ll look after her.”

My heart soared. I felt so relieved, so happy.

Continues tomorrow or download the complete novel here

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