Sleigh Number Two…

The Twelve Sleighs of Christmas

This is the story of Santa’s many sleighs,
Some will surprise and others will amaze.

But for fifty years each sleigh should last,
So they’re built to be strong and designed to go fast.

Yet not every sleigh has been that easy to master,
In fact most have been a complete disaster!

Each day you can read about a different one,
And with a bit of luck you might have some fun!

The Second Sleigh…

The next sleigh made was number two,
Strongly made from wood through and through.

There were no bits tied on with lengths of string,
And nothing at all that would weaken the thing!

This one was styled in walnut and teak,
A beautiful sleigh, both sturdy and sleek.

The finest craftsmen in the land,
All worked very hard to make it look grand.

The skis and rails were both made from pine,
And even the reindeers thought it looked fine!

To finish it off it was polished and waxed,
Then, to make it legal, it was roof and air taxed.

The sleigh looked like some valuable antique,
It may not have been old but it was certainly unique!

Santa named it the ‘Clausmobile’,
As he jumped in behind the steering wheel.

Rudy climbed into the passenger seat,
Made from plush leather – it looked a real treat.

The sleigh was heavy and a struggle to fly,
But all the reindeers gave it a try.

It flew through the air like a giant chest of drawers,
Or like a wardrobe – without the doors!

It landed on rooftops with almighty clatter,
Making children wonder what on earth was the matter!

But, at last, the sleigh’s time was done,
It had made fifty flights but they’d hardly been fun.

The sleigh’s now for sale in an antique shop,
It’s quality and style you just could not top.

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